Sunday, June 9, 2013

Day 2: Whitewater Rafting

I've always wanted to whitewater raft... and Jake made it happen! 
The water was FREEZING, but it was so worth it. 
They say this is the best time to go, because the spring run off causes the water levels to be higher and the rapids to be more fun. Both boys (especially Riley) were a little nervous, but it didn't take long for that to go away, and everyone to relax and enjoy the scenery. You can take so much more in floating down the river, than you can driving through the mountains. Our morning guide was Lucas and he had us laughing... you have to be entertaining to make it in these kinds of jobs I suppose. Then we had Jared in the afternoon, after they fed us a yummy BBQ lunch. He was great too, but he informed us that he had only done the 2nd part of the trip one other time, so he didn't know much about that portion, and he needed to concentrate a bit more to see what was coming ahead. Before we stopped for lunch, we had the chance to sit in a natural hot spring... Reece dove on in and loved it. Jake, Riley and I couldn't bring ourselves to get in. The sulfur smell and the algae just didn't look appealing. Maybe next time... Enjoy the pictures we purchased from the company! They turned out great! I wish Riley would have taken his turn up front so he would have been more visible. 

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