Monday, June 10, 2013

Day 3: Glenwood Cavern Adventure Park

Day 3, we took a tram all the way up the mountain to a small amusement park. It was so much fun! They had plenty of indoor and outdoor features, so you could get outside to warm up and inside to cool down. The views were amazing! There was even a roller coaster called "The Cliffhanger" that went over the edge of the mountain a couple times. We were in the very back, so you never realized you went over the edge at all! This was Reece's very first roller coaster. He was brave, but not brave enough to go a second time.
Tram entrance this way!

Riley didn't care for the Tram at first... but it got easier. You move quickly, then it comes to a shaky halt for a bit, then it moves up again. Fastest way to get to the top!

A nervous Riley... but I'm so proud of him for keeping his composure!

Going up, uP and UP!

The view as we got higher.

Cave tours were included. The caves stay the same temperatures all year long... I found that strange. 55* is what the coolest part of the cave was. I found it refreshing! 

The look out point, halfway through our cave tour... Reece was annoyed with mom and the sun here.

I forced dad to do this swing. It was amazing!! I'd do it over and over... Jake got his breath taken away. Maybe it was because we were looking straight down at rugged sandstone rock? The swing went a hair more than 180* and we were told it runs off hydraulics, so the hotter the day, the faster it swings. The boys sat this one out and Riley took this awesome photo of us.

I had to force and drag Riley onto the zipline... it was a scary walk up lots of stairs,  and I held his hand the entire time, and we survived!! It was much slower than it looked, and Riley will do it again!

A couple fun 4D movies! They are so realistic, you'd think we were actually on a roller coaster.

Team McMillan!
These were our all day passes to the park... you could even leave and come back. How can you NOT be happy wearing these???

Our favorite ride. The Flyer. You controlled how fast and slow you went... although if you go too slow, people behind you get annoyed. I started off easy with Riley, but by the end of the day we were zooming down the mountain! 

Lunch with a view! It was amazing!

Part of our cave tour... my pictures are out of order again!

The tram... again. It was located right outside of our hotel. How perfect!

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