Monday, June 10, 2013

Random Leftovers

Leftover pictures from our time in Colorado.
Air Reece at the hotel pool.

As a kid, I was always referred to as a "fish." Well, Reece has taken over that title...he couldn't get enough. This picture was taken at about 10pm, when mom forced him out of the pool.

Jake's new work.

A shot from the Lowe's parking lot... I personally love the Target cart.  Yep! I'll be living close to a Target again! Yay!

I could live in a town called No Name... but I'll pass.

We hit the windmills late Saturday night... and it was stormy!

My fun illustration for a vacation!
Thursday, right after we got off the roller coaster, we got off  another roller coaster, so to speak. Jake was offered an HR manager position in Colorado. He had applied for it a couple months ago, and the process had been up in the air until then. Now we are on a new roller coaster... it's called selling a house, finding a place to live, and relocating 625 miles away. The boys took it well! They are a little sad, but very excited. It will be quite a lifestyle change, but we will make the best of this newest adventure.

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