Monday, June 14, 2010

Minor Projects Revealed

Don't get excited... I'm not quite ready to reveal any big house projects quite yet.
So, here are some small ones, which aren't quite projects...
Riley and Reece were in serious need of a discipline system.
With everything that was so up in the air, during this long transition, it was so easy to just give in to the kids. They didn't understand why things were the way they were. So when we finally moved, I stole this idea from my sister.
It's a privilege chart.
(I just realized I spelt it wrong on my chart.)
I wrote down 10 of Riley's favorite things to do.
I had Riley number them 1-10, his favorite being 1.
The arrow moves up and down.
They are able to do everything from the arrow down.
They have been all over the chart, even at the bottom.
But they work hard, and help around the house if they want to move up.
It's a team effort, and so far it's working!
This isn't a great picture, but it's a curtain rod to display the kids art work.
I saw it in a magazine years ago, and finally did it.
It also helps keep my fridge a little more bare.
I love it!!!!!


Erica said...

Two very cute ideas! I want to use both when B gets older, thanks!!!

Leesa said...

I agree - those are great ideas!