Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Big Boy Robe

As a mom, I've reached a new chapter. I am losing control of what my boys wear..... I'm not too heartbroken about this, I actually do choose their daily outfits still, with zero complaint. I've actually accepted the loss of control, and for me it's a great thing! I've always liked to control things, such as this, so it's a big step for me. And they have every right to decide what they would want to wear, as long as it's decent.
Then my boy picks out a robe with skulls on it.
(struggling to tie it...followed by proud of his new robe)
It all started with Reece growing out of his "handsome blue" robe. We donated it to his younger cousin, Alex, who is still preferring his sister's old purple robe. (That's a whole other story...) Reece was really eager to replace his robe, even though we are no where close to winter weather.
(knock on wood)
Target had them on sale, and this is what we got. He loves it!
Part of me wanted to choose for him. The other part of me is excited to start letting the boys express their own personalities.....He is just so excited! Now I can't help but picture the lovely "Christmas Morning Pictures" with my 7 year old wearing a cozy skull robe! Should be classic!

1 comment:

Shenna said...

Loving the skull robe!!