Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Doctor Frustrations

I just realized my "Close Call" post wasn't complete.

We need a new doctor. Now. Okay, more like yesterday!

Finding a doctor is always hard when you move. I was given a recommendation, however, this doctor had decided to only take baby making women. Trust me, I was tempted to lead her to believe that maybe that would be in my future..... but how could I explain the other 3 family members I wanted to bring with me? So, I really didn't ever seriously consider that, but it crossed my mind. I ended up calling the main family care office here in town, which works real close to the hospital..... it's actually in the Hospital parking lot, and I was just assigned a family doctor. I will call him Dr. B. (Although I've probably named him previously...)

Dr. B. is an arrogant man. That's the best way I could describe him.... and I was just thankful that I didn't have any little ones that needed routine checkups, multiple times a year. I never had a real reason to dislike him, so I continued with my life and only saw him when the kids were sick. Jake's confidence in him was first shaken when Riley ran a fever last February/March for 34 days. Never found a reason for it..... My confidence was shaken when he told me Riley was having growing pains in his chest last month. Really? I've never heard of such things!! Not that I'm a doctor, but I just didn't like that answer. Shortly after this, our mortgage friend, who had helped us refinance, told us her husband was so close to paralysis after complaining of neck pain for over a month. Dr. B told gave him pain killers and told him to see a chiropractor. Turns out it was a staff infection. Yep! Almost paralyzed!!! Then she had a fractured foot, but Dr. B. needed time to think about his action plan, and guess what! She ended up breaking her foot, because there was no care or boot given to her! Youch!!

So, of course I needed a last minute appointment yesterday, and I was wishing I would call and only have a P.A. available to see Riley. Nope..... he just happened to be available. I should have asked for anyone else, but I didn't. Appointment goes fine. I get my prescriptions and leave. I am pulling into the parking lot of the pharmacy and get a phone call from his nurse. "Dr. B. accidentally wrote the antibiotic RX for an adult, not a child." What? It didn't dawn on me until I had time to really process the severity of this mistake, for me to freak out. Of course, I would hope that the pharmacist would catch this, but that's still not okay with me. So, I have had enough, and maybe I am still more lax than some moms, but I am terrified that my child has been in his care for so long!

This is where my "Close Call" post was supposed to go. Wish me luck in the new doctor search. Definitely a disadvantage in a small town.


Jaime said...

Geesh... Some doctors are such self-important quacks... You should have Jo tell you about her friend's doctor problems. They now have to travel from Wichita to Kansas City because the specialist in Wichita doesn't believe her child is worthy of this doctor's expertise... This is why I self diagnose... ;-)

Leesa said...

Sorry you had to go thru all of that! That's a pretty big mistake of Dr. B to make! Gee, I hope he has malpractice insurance bc it sounds like he'll need it at the rate he's going.
Lots of luck in your new search!!