Sunday, October 2, 2011


It's been crazy, busy, exhausting fun here in Wichita. I just survived my 2nd weekend of the Field of Screams, and the Isle of Screams had it's opening weekend, this weekend. It amazes me, every year, the hard work my sister and brother in law put in to theses attractions (Field has been open 8 years, and the Isle is in it's 2nd), but when you see the crowds grow every season (if Mother Nature is kind) it all becomes so worth it, so fast! I'm not nearly as sleep deprived as they are, but they push through, and slave away for months, and the end results are very rewarding. Who really needs sleep, right?
Here are their new billboards that are up in Wichita. This is a new advertising strategy, and the artwork amazes me! These are billboards that will catch your eye, every time!

So how are the boys?
They are absolutely LOVING spending time with cousins on the weekends. They are so fortunate to have such great friends, in them, and it's great that they are the same age with very similar interests. However, kids will be kids, and sleep doesn't seem to be a weekend priority when they are staying with my mom, and I am working late. They will survive too...
Riley is LOVING bowling too! He is a beginner, and has had some rough days, but he keeps his head up, and has improved a lot in just a few short weeks! On Thursday, he bowled 162 in 3 games. He never gets down! He looks forward to this activity each week!
Then there is Reece, who is LOVING tumbling! He doesn't think he is learning anything, and I don't feel that this class is releasing as much energy as I would like, but he is still looking forward to this twice a week. He actually gets sad on days we can't work it into our schedule. I also had a friend who got her son in the class too, so Reece isn't the only boy anymore (which never bothered him anyway.)
Until next time......

1 comment:

Leesa said...

Maybe Jason and I can find a sitter and come to the Field of Screams this year. I think it would be so fun!
Sounds like the boys are loving their new activities. :)