Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Close Call

Riley is sick. I was that mom today, that felt like she was jumping the gun on getting him medical treatment. I was so sure the doctor was going to say it's just a virus, and it needs to run it's course. Thanks for money!
It all started early Monday morning. I was woken up by Riley coughing.... and it was a rough cough. This was the start of it. He literally went from no cough, to a horrific cough. Well, you can't really keep a kid home from school anytime he coughs, and there were no other signs, so I sent him on. He came home to tell me he coughed all day..... he was a little extra lazy, and finally after dinner, I found he had come down with a fever of 101.1*. I decided then, he had to stay home from school today. So again, early this morning I was woken up by his cough. He was now wheezing. I got him into the doctor, and when the doctor listened to his chest and cough, he was almost positive pneumonia was our problem. He was very concerned about how rapid these symptoms were taking place. We did a blood test and chest x ray, and thankfully no pneumonia. However, it could have been just around the corner, so we are on an antibiotic and a steroid to loosen up the junk in him.
So glad I didn't sit around on this one.... it could have been a close call.

1 comment:

Leesa said...

I'm glad the Dr. knew what was wrong! Sydney has a mystery virus that has caused all sorts of random symptoms.
I hope Riley gets well soon!