Sunday, October 16, 2011

Quarterly Birthdays

Actually, we combined the last 2 quarters into one party for 2011. This will wrap all grandkid's birthdays up for the year. We always enjoy, even though October is an exhausting month for all of us, having a "Halloween" themed party.
Aunt Jaime is such a sport too. He actually hand made and sewed her costume. Along with her friend, Kimberly. It took her 3 months..... literally!!! Corset and all! What is she? She is a steam-punk zombie killer. It's a gothic movement from a time I'm unaware of....... that really just means I don't get it. Her friend is a vampire killer. They have fun with it.... ;)
Fun pumpkins on Aunt Joanna's porch.

Aunt Joanna had a soup bar with nachos on the side. It was a perfect fall meal!
Notice her fun dungeon walls...... she loves this time of year!

Jason made an appearance..... and I have the upper hand!
Aunt Jaime from the back side..... I couldn't resist!! Look at the detail!
Costume mix up or "Revenge of the Nerd(s)?"
Just one adorable cookie made by Aunt Joanna.
Pumpkin painting..... more kid friendly and less time consuming for the kiddos.

Reece's pumpkin.
Riley's pumpkin. Love the mummy.
Alex loves the camera!!
Owen playing on his own.... he is very good at entertaining himself.
Boys costumes.... nothing fine tuned, just thrown on. Riley is Lord Voldemort and Reece is a Dementor from "Harry Potter." A big, scary step from "Super Mario Brothers" characters!
The gang!
Hannah, Will, Jack and Alex were characters from "How to Train Your Dragon."
Colby was a nerd, and Camryn was a fifties girl. These two never get excited for a camera.....
Good vs. Evil!
Britton was Harry Potter and Ariana was Hermoine.
Here they are at a standoff!

Strike a pose Jason..... I mean Aidan!
Owen as Elmo and Aidan as Jason. Quite the duo! You can tell there is a 7 year difference here. ;) I have to add that Aidan referred to Owen as, "A Nightmare on Elmo Street!" He cracks me up!! And although little brother drives him crazy, I know how much he loves this "Elmo!"
Present time!! Alex turned 4 in September.
Reece will be 7 in December. Legos and Nerf.... what more does a boy need?

Ariana also turns 7 in December.
Jack turns 7 this month!
Will turned 8 in September!
Britton turns 10 in November.
And finally, Hannah turned 10 earlier this month.
Thanks for being the best host, Aunt Joanna! Although it was a bit rushed, we all had a great time! (Reece was actually sad that we had to leave..... he always is! He said," I wish I lived here, because they get all of the cool stuff!" I believe he'a referring to his cousin's toy store in the basement. It is a fun time, but I remind Reece that if he had all of the same stuff, he would stop having fun there!)


Erica said...

I love all of your pictures :)!! It looks like they had sooo much fun! Celebrating quarterly birthdays is such a GREAT idea! I can't your boys went from Mario Bro. to funny! They are growing up so fast!

YoucanSPARKLE said...

That looks like sooo much fun!!! I want all the soup recipes from Joanna!!!! And some of those cookies toooo.....YUMMY!!!!!!

Leesa said...

Great pictures!! This always makes me wish Jason's siblings lived closer so my girls could have such awesome parties with their cousins. It looks SO fun! Maybe someday... :)

Shenna said...

That looks like so much fun!!!! We may have to have some sort of combined party for Georgia, Hunter, and Carsyn...all are about 2 1/2 weeks apart!