Wednesday, October 19, 2011


In the rush of all that happens in this household, this time of year, Jake yells out to Reece, "Why are you always in such a hurry to do "big boy" things?" Better yet, "big people" things!

Reece's response was simple. "Because, I want it ALL!"

Who are we to keep him from accomplishing this! Reece has the personality to leave this house and conquer the world. So, naturally I believe Reece will get older and share "it ALL" with his loving parents! Right? Isn't that his obligation? I love this kids ambitions!! Even if he doesn't really know yet, what they really are!


Riley has his own ambitions..... Last night while he was doing his homework, he needed help with the word, "persistent." We helped him sound it out, then he needed the definition. We went the route of, someone who never gives up, someone who keeps trying. Riley then decided to give himself a "persistent" label. Why? He is trying to get in the Guinness World Record Book.... for being the best video game player ever! He dreams BIG!!

How does the same DNA create such different little people. I love these little men, and I cannot wait to see them as big men!

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