Monday, October 24, 2011


So, I think Reece just retired from tumbling....
Yep! He came home today from school, and told me he didn't feel like going to tumbling. I told him it's okay to take a day off, and that's when he told me he didn't want to go anymore.
I was thrown off guard, just a bit. Up until today, he really never hesitated to go. He showed pure excitement each day we went. I'm a little confused. But, I'm okay with it. We pay monthly. I am not bothered at it, except he won't give me a reason. The way I feel about it, is we didn't put him in tumbling to become an Olympic tumbler..... it was just an inexpensive activity to put him in, and anyone who knows the kid, knows tumbling comes pretty naturally to him. That was all. He enjoyed it for 6 weeks, so we will see what will come next. Jake's views are different. And I will leave that there.
What did make my day, was that Reece decided he didn't want me to put him in soccer, but he wants to keep playing basketball. Yay!! However, I don't think I will tolerate this back and forth, wishy washiness very well.... Hope he really does find something to be happy with and will stick with it!

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