Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Conferences Part I

Today we got to go see Mrs. Olander. The WONDERFUL Mrs. Olander. She just always puts me in a wonderful, try to hold back the tears, mood. How can you not want to cry with joy when a teacher wants to clone your kid? She honestly feels like Reece is a model student..... and when she says this, I believe her!!

Her comments on his progress report were: Reece is doing a good job in first grade. He has a positive attitude towards school, makes a sincere effort to do his best, and works hard in class. Reece is a leader and a positive role model for other students. I enjoy having Reece in my class!

Reece is reading at a level G. The benchmark for first grade is D. His teacher for Guided Reading is Mrs. Presnall. She stopped to introduce herself to us, and let us know how well Reece is doing at reading. Reading isn't a skill that Reece shares with us at home, unless it's required homework, so it was a nice surprise to hear these kind praises. Mrs. Olander shared that this reading group with be pushed until things get hard this year, something Dad and I are happy about!

Mrs. Presnall's comments were: Reece is a careful reader. He has a strong sight word base that helps him read fluently. He pays attention to the text and pictures. Reece has good comprehension skills. It has been fun getting to know to know Reece in this reading group. Keep up the GREAT reading, Reece!

Reece is also above average in his Math skills. Mrs. Olander says he comes in with a lot of skills already and then he picks up on the new skills right away. She wishes she could take this quality of his, and sprinkle it on the others. Those were her words.... He even did a timed math test, with 30 addition problems, and he completed them in 2 minutes 25 seconds. The fastest of the class.

Reece is doing great at his Art, Music and PE. Reece has conquered the National Fitness Award. This doesn't really surprise me.... and he ran the mile in 8 minutes 11 seconds. That surprised me a bit. He takes after his mommy here.... I remember making it to the Presidential Fitness Award by 5th grade. I bet he gets there too!

I always have to double check, that my "know it all" son isn't isolating himself because of his social skills, that sometimes lack a bit. She never feels this is an issue. She actually says he played more solo in kindergarten then he does this year. He is actually in charge of 4 square at recess. He operates the game, every time. He told Mrs. Olander that Savannah taught him all the rules. Savannah is really the one that knows all. If there is any question, Reece tells everyone that he will ask Savannah. (Savannah is our 5th grade neighbor....a.k.a. Reece's favorite person ever.)

Gosh, I've really gone on and on a bit much here. At least in 8 years, when Reece is a terrible teen, I can remember exactly how I felt on this day in 2011.

Here is a picture Reece made at the beginning of the year. Reece told his class he wanted to be a scientist when he grows up. Mrs. Olander was very impressed with the details. Aside from the beakers, I just love the hair!

1 comment:

Leesa said...

Yay Reece! He is such a great kid! Love the picture!