Thursday, October 13, 2011


(For more unfinished projects....)
The landscaping bricks that we wanted went on sale, then Jake got his discount on top of that, so we had to buy! However, Jake's listening skills just never seem to shine when it involves me doing the talking. We tore out a ton of landscaping, and even took down a tree all around our front porch, so I was ready put a wall up and put some simple landscaping into it. However, the huge part that Jake seemed to miss, was that I wanted it on both sides of our sidewalk.... not just one. When he brought two loads of these bricks home, I was just sure it didn't look like enough to do the entire job..... I was right. He bought just over enough to finish one side. So this project will probably change little, until they go on sale again. Well, it just may have to wait for spring, anyway, for me to at least make the one side look pretty!

I went ahead and snapped a picture of my huge FAIL!

Happy Halloween!!

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