Sunday, October 2, 2011

Heart Pain

Oh, it hurts! It hurts so badly!!
The boys have been attending a basketball camp every Sunday, put on by the high school basketball coach, Coach Kinnamon. I made the mistake of not putting a basketball in the boys hands at birth. My bad! To make things worse, here in McPherson, basketball is a religion (my dad pointed that out.) I have had the boys signed up for winter basketball and a couple camps, but I just don't see this in their future.... no more than possibly recreational fun. I kept a small bit of hope alive, then Reece smashed them. And he broke my heart with them.
Today, he told me he did not want to keep playing basketball. He told me it made him tired and it wasn't any fun. I told him he wouldn't hurt my feelings, and yes that was a lie, but those are the good lies, right? I then asked if he would grow up and enjoy watching basketball with me..... he was silent. Insert sad face. The only thing he wants to do is tumble...... he might try soccer, he says, so I will have to see what I can do about that. At least he still loves his KU blue!
Now, onto a more serious "heart pain"..... Riley started randomly complaining that his heart hurt last month. It's one of those things that bothers you, but you don't overreact because kids hurt all the time, or don't explain pain to you very well. I considered heartburn, but decided that he eats such a mild diet, because he is so picky, that more than likely that wasn't it. The pain would happen at all different times. When he woke in the morning, sitting at his desk, right when he got home from school, but not daily..... so I finally asked him what it felt like. He told me it felt like his heart was trying to tear out of his chest. WHAT?? I called the nurse immediately, and we got him in on Friday morning. Xrays were taken, and his heart looked and sounded just fine. Doctor thinks he is having growing pains..... seems like a funny place to have growing pains if you ask me. He suggested Motrin and heat if the pain is bad enough to disturb Riley. He says the muscles are usually cold when the pain happens, but if Riley gets active they warm up and the pain goes away. I'm not totally sold on this, but I am going to keep tracking Riley's pain, and if I feel it is getting worse, you can be we will check it out again. Riley seems to completely understand the doctor though. I understand pain in my legs, and I remember the pain as a kid.... I just don't understand growing pains in the chest, but we shall see.


Shenna said...

Sad about the basketball dreams shattered! And yikes for Riley! I hope all it is is growing pains. Weird place to be having them for sure!

Tommi said...

Maybe Reece will change his mind...there's still lots of time!

Keep me posted on Riley, that's scary!