Monday, July 13, 2015

vacay: day two

Day two started out with donuts on my sister's deck on a gorgeous Saturday morning...oh and we got to hang out with this cutie too. I just LOVE those lips!
Jody would be so mad about me posting this, good thing Luke steals the spot light. :0)

My main priority was to make it back to meet Carter. My good friend, Amanda, had her first child back in January. I hated being so far away. Carter has the most beautiful baby skin and, oh my goodness, SO MUCH awesome hair!

Tummy Time!! Those cheeks!!

I only got to spend 3 hours with this chunk, but it was the best 3 hours ever! Carter never fussed. I got to feed him, play  with him and hold him while he napped. All the fun without all the crying and dirty diapers!!

So happy!!

Carter and Mommy!

Next it was off to the farm to swim and have dinner with family.
Lucas and Owen... the two babies of the family.

So much yummy food!

Cousins! Reece, Riley, Aidan and Colby.

Uncle Shawn and Luke.

We let this bag of Doritos babysit Luke for a while...he didn't seem to mind.

Reece learned to do a flip. Just like me when I was young.

Here are a couple of videos... one is Reece's flip. The other is Riley winning the smallest splash contest. I was accused of starving my kid...he's just very lean, and he rocks at the "toothpick" hehe.
Afterwards we went to my sister, Joanna's. This is where my camera forgot to take pictures. We had homemade ice cream and set off hours worth of fire works. (That's why you come to Kansas for the 4th!) 

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