Sunday, July 19, 2015

vacay: day five

Monday night's storm brought in a freak cool front... I'm glad we squeezed in a couple days of swimming when we had the chance. 

Tuesday I got to go meet Channing. In McPherson I lived two doors down from Casey, a former schoolmate/teammate, and right after we moved away they moved to Wichita...and had another beautiful baby.
Channing was all smiles for me...except for the first moment I walked in. Stranger Danger!!

The weather was pretty iffy all day... so we did some more bowling with Aidan, Owen and Uncle Kip. My sister was busy taking another class for her masters, so she missed out on the fun. Afterwards we got to go to my favorite store...KANSAS SAMPLER. We were all in need a new Jayhawk shirt, and we added Royals shirts for our trip up to KC.

Then we went and saw my good friend, Becky, and her family. We ran a little late so we couldn't hang out too long...didn't want to interfere with bed time routine for the little ones. Landon latched on to Reece immediately. He's not shy. And he thought it was really cool that Reece was paying attention to him. Here they are watching a movie. That look on Landon's face is priceless.

Landon then showed off his bedroom...and computer game.

This is Brody. And a terrible picture. Brody wanted nothing to do with me. His dad even brought him over to sit on my lap, and he instantly stood up and reached for JAKE!! Talk about my heart breaking... apparently Jake was less frightening than me. He just chilled on Jake's lap for about 20 minutes.

And this is the best picture I got of Mr. Brody.

Afterwards we went back to Jody's and played some Apples to Apples with the family. Owen was a hoot while playing. He has the cutest voice and the things that come out of his mouth just make you laugh. Jody and I were almost in tears on numerous occasions. It was a fun night...thanks for making me laugh, Owen.

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