Sunday, July 19, 2015

vacay: day seven

Thursday we went to see Aunt Jaime's new house. It is a very cute, charming home, perfect for her...except she has the largest back yard. Have fun keeping that mowed, sis. ;)

We also took advantage of big city shopping. We spent hours (not intended) at IKEA. My goal was to find new pillows for my couch, but we found a desk for Riley and the colors were PERFECT for his bedroom. The issue was they didn't have any more in stock so we had to get the floor model and go through all the hoops to get it marked down. By the time we left we were starving. Jaime had been wanting to take Riley to Pie Five ever since it we decided it was the perfect option for lunch. We loved it...and I really loved all the signs on the walls.
Pie Five Pizza Co.

Riley likes pie!

My pesto pizza. yum!

Riley got buffalo chicken.

After we refueled, it was more big city shopping. We went to the new Scheel's, which had just about every sporting good you could imagine AND a ferris wheel. Confused? too.
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Air Riley... 

I was too short to get up there...slightly awkward, but funny!

This was a good one...

Meanwhile, Reece and Aunt Jaime are on the ferris wheel.

That night we got to go see Colby and Camryn swim in their last meet. Camryn is the swimmer on the right, just starting her dive. I was very impressed with both. Camryn was extremely dominant in all of her heats. I was extremely impressed. So glad we got to go watch.

Reece was such a good cousin. He kept Luke very happy during the long meet. 

Afterwards, Kait's parents treated us to Taco Republic since the swim meet was right down the street. It was a little outdoor Mexican restaurant, and the food was amazing! And thanks to the cool front, the weather was perfect too!


Cousins... Riley, Reece and Colby.


My head hit the pillow on Thursday night... I was out! It was a long day...but a nice one with family.

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