Sunday, July 12, 2015

dιғғιcυlт crəəĸ тraιl

We went from a very wet and rainy May to a very HOT June...not normal. We had the itch to go hike and decided hiking up valley in 70 degree temps sounded much more appealing than 90 degree temps. We found this trail off Independence Pass in Aspen...It was a tough hike, but we are tough people. :)

We figured round trip was about 7.5 miles and we hiked up almost 2000 feet. We were definitely in the forest on this hike... our favorite part was getting close to the river. It was raging. Although Reece and Riley got a few bug bites while hanging out by the water, so that was a big downer. It was crazy seeing the remains of a couple cabins. You can see it in some of the pictures. It is just the bottom few logs that you can tell were stacked like a cabin. It made no sense!! Yeah you were close to water, but how and why anyone would build something so high and remote was baffling... 

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