Wednesday, July 15, 2015

vacay: day four

Monday and Tuesday's forecast didn't look so great at a glance so we were at the pool early on Monday to swim with Aidan and Owen. I also invited my best childhood friend, Sarah, and her boys, Peyton and Parker, to swim. Killing two birds with one stone. Spending time with family and catching up with a good friend.

The kiddos were hungry after swimming...Aidan really wanted Taco Bell.  I love this picture of the Owen and Aidan... they have the best love/hate relationship. By the looks of this picture, Aidan really does love his little brother.

After lunch the storms rolled in. Kansas gave me an amazing thunderstorm. It was great to be at my sister's where I was able to relax and enjoy it. The downside was it kept us in the rest of the day...There were many streets flooded because the inches of rain came so fast. Just glad I love a good thunderstorm.

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