Sunday, July 19, 2015

vacay: day six

Wednesday I had two more babies to meet. 
Makenzie and Zoe... don't ask me which is which. I was so lucky to get a picture of them  both looking my way. They were so cute... Leesa is seriously super mom.  I got to catch up with her for a little bit, but couldn't stay long because it was time  to head to KC to see more family.

Here is our goodbye picture at Jody's house... Kind of awkward. This is the most I could get Riley to smile. Owen isn't looking at me, and Aidan is getting so tall and grown up!

We got to Uncle Shawn's house in Shawnee and I had to snap a picture of Riley. This is how I saw Riley A LOT on this trip. Darn technology.

We just had a relaxing night with Shawn, Kait, Colby, Camryn and Luke. Aunt Jaime came over to give us all hair misses my sister SO much!! I was sad to witness all of Luke's awesome curls get cut off...hope they grow back. And I hope he wasn't too traumatized. There was a lot of screaming involved and a few tears.

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