Sunday, July 12, 2015


So I've been a bit busy... and maybe in denial that my oldest is officially a teenager. Yikes!

We had a few friends come over for dinner and dessert. Riley is going to Washington DC next spring with his 8th grade class and requested money to help pay for it. So he had lots of cards and money to open up. Reece is just eager to be by his side, and probably be in the pictures.

The Scruton girls. Abby in red and Celia in gray.

Nick and Jennifer gave Riley money AND a book about Washington DC. Very thoughtful

The Scruton's had just gotten back from Jackson Hole, WY. They grabbed Riley a T-shirt...which lead me to getting on Pinterest and start planning a future trip to Wyoming (hopefully).

The big gift was an electric guitar beginner set, complete with an amplifier.

Our hope is for Riley to get a chance to play in the Jazz Band next year. 

I teased Riley and told him he had to hold up 13 fingers...instead I got 8 fingers and 5 toes. Silly kid!

So much cash...making it rain!

Huh...good idea till you have to clean it all up.

Here is a short video of Riley playing "House of the Rising Sun"... he was playing it by memory on a brand new guitar he'd never played before. Pretty good.
Riley's favorite thing to do: Play basketball.

When Riley grows up he wants to be: Undecided.

Riley's favorite food: Pie.

Riley likes to spend time with: Family.

Riley thinks he does this really well: Guitar and Math.

This makes Riley laugh: Reece's face (hehe)

Riley's favorite time of day: Night time

Riley likes to do this with his family: Play boardgames.

Riley's best friend: Jordan.

Riley loves to learn about: Math.

Riley's favorite place to go: Kansas.

Riley's favorite book: Harry Potter.

Riley's favorite color: Red


Riley's summer hasn't been the most exciting...maybe it's prepping him for the looming working years that are ahead. Just kidding... He is currently trying to skip 8th grade math so next year he can start 9th grade math. It's a free online course, but it has been very time consuming. I keep asking Riley if he really wants to spend his summer doing this, and he very much wants to. He is also needing to really spend a lot of time on his guitar (classic lead guitar) because in two weeks he is off to the Zion institute. I'm getting a little nervous because he has 5 songs that are considerable more difficult than what he is used to. I'm sure he will do great, and no matter what he will be with some very talented people and will learn something new and it will all be worth it.

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