Sunday, July 19, 2015

vacay: day nine

Pack up and drive home day... Since we were leaving from KC it added a couple hours to our drive. yay... even better when you are sleep deprived.
So glad we got to say goodbye to this cutie. Love you Luke!

The boys crawled into the car and slept the first leg... wish I could have done the same. My focus was making sure Jake was awake enough to keep driving.

Ahh... the Glenwood Canyon. So happy to be home. It was such whirlwind trip. I'm sorry I didn't get to see everyone I wanted to see. I did my best...and tried to put family first. If only America's vacation system worked like it does in other countries... next is punching the work clock to get more vacation time accrued.

My first order of business was to put Cohen's (Channing's 3 year old brother) dinosaur on my refrigerator. Cute! My next order of business was to go get some sleep. Sadly Reece wasn't feeling well all night and kept us awake. And our cat must have been angry we left her because she meowed all night...which also kept us awake. Ugh... the end of this vacation was rough. Back to the real world.

This video was a nice surprise while on our way home. Luke saying "Hi" to all of us... melts my heart. He turns 2 next month. <3 div="">

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