Sunday, July 19, 2015

vacay: day eight

Day 8...Friday. Our last day to cram in some fun. We really wanted to get the boys on a "real" roller coaster. Reece loves the one here in Glenwood, but it's so small and compact there is more to experience. Riley rode the Glenwood roller coaster and didn't feel well afterwards, but I was convinced it was from it being small and jerky. So to Worlds of Fun we went... We brought Aunt Jaime, Colby and Camryn along.
Ready for the fun!

It rained on us for a good portion of the morning...the lines were long (even in the rain!), and multiple rides were closed temporarily either due to rain or mechanical issues. Colby and Riley...both 13 and taller than me :(

Reece and Camryn needed a picture too.

The kiddos got their own bumper boat on Fury of the Nile.

The sun finally came out to enjoy the water rides.

Sadly the sun came out and we were pressed for time. We took the boys (and Aunt Jaime) to our first Royals baseball we had to cut the fun short.

Here we are. We got the "pre-game" experience where you would usually get to watch the team warm up and the big fans would get autographs... but the storm was approaching.

My boys. See that big tarp? The rain hadn't started yet, but looking at the radar, it was without a doubt going to get us.

A long day in the rain...and right about the time we took this picture, the rain started again. 

Me and my boys.

Cotton candy can make any day better. And the ponchos were a nice bonus from Aunt Jaime.

Riley is tired...the game is officially delayed.

Making the best of a 2 hour delay.

Game on!! At 915 pm... :(

The Royals won. We couldn't stay till the end...we didn't get to bed until after 1am and we had a long trip home on Saturday. Although it rained on us, a lot, it was a fun day. Maybe we jammed too much into one day, but not every day is a vacation day. 

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