Thursday, July 21, 2011

Ceiling Repair: Part I

Consider this our first, REAL, heavy duty project in this old house.... most everything, up until now, has been cosmetic. I consider ourselves lucky..... this house really does have good bones! The boy's old room had the worst ceiling. It is plaster.... it was cracked, but not to the point of falling apart, so again, consider us lucky!!
One of Jake's specialist at work, helped us come up with a plan to fix it..... Originally we were going to put up drywall, right over the plaster. However, this ceiling is a bit higher than the other rooms, so it gave us some extra space, to put up more insulation. Win/Win, if you ask me, in this old house!!
When we moved in, this was the fabulous patch job, the previous owners did. The fan could never be on anything other than low!
Guess this picture was pointless.... it cracks just don't show up! All cracks let to the fan though....
We worked hard, and framed the room, by finding all of the studs above the plaster.
Proof that I helped.... or maybe just a photo op! Jake did most of this work.
Then we used foam board to add more insulation.
This was the disaster we went to bed with.... foam board is messy!!
Tomorrow it is drywall!!

1 comment:

jody-of-all-trades said...

You guys look like real D.I.Y.ers!