Saturday, July 9, 2011

Reece, Reece, and More Reece

Stuffing his mouth.... what Reece was best at!!

This next picture makes me think of the Weeble Wobble toys!!

My blue eyed boy!!
And, PROOF that White Teddy, was once white and super fluffy!!

This doesn't even look like my kid!! He was such a HAM!! And I loved every minute of it!!
He was also my pacifier kid!! So cute!
And this is one of the MANY times I had a pacifier on hand.... never an arms length away from me!! Angry boy!!


jody-of-all-trades said...

But before I give you the binky, let me snap a picture! ;-)

Leesa said...

Both of my girls loved their pacifiers. They're so much easier to deal with than thumb-sucking.