Sunday, July 24, 2011


I took the boys to Walmart today, to allow them to spend their own money.
They have really never gone out to spend much money of their own.... most money they earn or receive goes right to the bank. Now that they are getting a little older, I've struck a deal with them. They are only allowed to spend half of the money they get, with the rest being saved.
It was fun for a bit allowing them to take in all of the toy aisles, and Reece quickly found a Lego set he wanted.... it went into the cart, and then he found something else down the aisle.... a Thor hammer like weapon, and a Captain America shield, which meant the Legos were back on the shelf. I thought it was interesting, but after asking many times if he was sure, I let him choose it.
Then there was Riley.... I calmly got a little impatient. He needed to go down all of the aisles, some of them two or three times. As I feel that a cautious shopper is a good quality, I just couldn't spend all day in Walmart's toy section. He finally chose a Lego robot, that actually lights up! I think it's cool, and the boys are pretty happy! Now they have some more work to do, before we are able to do it again!

1 comment:

Jaime said...

You have the Hulk gloves... now all you need is Iron Man paraphernalia and they can play all the Avengers!