Friday, July 29, 2011

Secret Code

Once again..... Reece has made a funny! I hope when I retell it, it is just as funny!

This morning I asked Reece to open the garage so he and his friends could play with the outside toys.... "But I forgot the code!," he says. I whisper it to him, and he proceeds to go and open it. Moments later, he comes up to me, "Mom, I think we need to change the code again! Cy (Casey's 4 year old son) watched me open the garage!" My friends and I laughed, and I reassured Reece that Cy did not learn the code. Reece wasn't so sure about this, so I asked him, to ask Cy what the code was. Reece then belted out, "But I forgot what the code was!"

Moral of my story..... I don't believe our code has been compromised, and we will not be changing our code! Hahaha.....

1 comment:

Leesa said...

Ha! I love Reece - he is sooooo cute!