Saturday, July 9, 2011

Riley the Toddler

Kitchen pots are fun!!!

Life is rough!
This Halloween, Riley was a bit grumpy! The remote was about the only thing that made him happy.... and this is about as happy as we got!
Coloring on the balcony.
This next picture is pathetic.... at about 23 months, Riley got Rota (sp?) Virus.... he was so sick, and in this picture all he wanted was milk from the fridge. He got so bad and lost so much weight, he became lethargic and we had to take him to the ER to get an IV put in him.... he bounced back so fast after that!
When Jake owned the Outback, John Madden's Outback bus went on a tour to many of the Outbacks.... It made a special stop at the Olathe Outback, and we got to hang out in it for a bit.
(Riley even got to take a Matchbox car from it.... how many 2 year olds can say he stole John Madden's grandkid's toy?!)
I'm a BIG kid, brushing with a BIG kid brush!!

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