Monday, July 11, 2011

Riley & Daddy Time

We've noticed Riley becoming more quiet and withdrawn lately....Could be the boredom of summer setting in, or the stress of being an older brother. Who knows? So Jake and I felt like getting some one on one time with him would do him some good! First on Jake and Riley's list was "Transformers!" (In 3D)
Riley found that pretty, "Awesome!" He really enjoyed it!
Someone in this house did NOT enjoy it so much.... When Jake broke the new to Reece, oh did the tears come flowing! It took me several minutes to calm him down... And all of this was after Reece told me, "I don't want to be with you alone!" I tossed out the idea of going to see "Cars 2" and that sounded like fun to him, but then he decided going to the pool would be better. So off to the pool for 3.5 hours we went!! That wasn't so tough! Although, it's been so HOT this summer, that I'm really over it all! The pool included!! Bring on FALL, even if it means I'm back to work!!

1 comment:

jody-of-all-trades said...

One on one time is really good for the boys! I need to do better.