Tuesday, July 5, 2011

It's Been Awhile...

So, I've been on an unexpected hiatus.... just having a wonderful, relaxing summer! Looking back at my camera, this is the ONLY picture I've taken lately... And Reece didn't want me to take the picture, so my camera got put away right afterwards!
Not a lot is going on, but Jake was off all weekend, so we took the boys up to Salina's waterpark, Kenwood Cove. Our neighbors joined us! It was so much fun for the boys!! That is where this picture is from, so don't let Reece's face fool you.... he had a BLAST!
On our way home, the excitement was that I saw my very FIRST tornado! It was very south, from where we were, but it was very real!! No damage, no threat to us, so I was calm! It only took me 29 years of Kansas residency to see one! Here is the picture of it....(I stole it from the KSN.com.... it wasn't this clear to us!)
Lastly, McPherson has zero ban on fireworks, therefore, for the last 4 nights we have had front seats to some of the best firework shows around.... they know how to have fun here! But we had a fun, fabulous and SAFE Fourth of July.... and we got rain JUST in time, so I wasn't nervous about the insane fireworks that take place here!!
Time to continue this lovely summer!!


Leesa said...

A tornado?!?! That is so very cool! I still haven't seen one. If I do, I hope it's like that one - very far away.
I had soooo much fun today!! Thank you again for the yummy lunch and fun time. :)

jody-of-all-trades said...

Me too! I was trying to blog a few times a month and now I'm crazy busy again! This hasn't been a relaxing summer though.