Thursday, July 14, 2011

It's H.O.T. Hot!

Oh, these are the dog days of summer.... it's so incredibly hot and dry here, we feel trapped in our home!! We have had the longest stretch of 100's and no rain. It If I would have known this summer would have been so extremely miserable, I would have broken down and gotten us a pool pass.... I had chosen to pass on the pool pass, because it was SO much more expensive than the Gardner pool AND it had even gone up since last year.... I thought I'd be able to space it out, and save some money. However, it has been so hot, that not even the pool is fun on many days. Jake gets annoyed that I haven't forced the kids outside lately, but it's just so uncomfortable, that it zaps the fun out! McPherson needs more indoor options! The poor boys are starting to get on each other's nerves, just because they are bored inside this house.... and I don't blame them! I am too!!
I have been finding multiple projects to work on. Last week, I scrapbooked. This week, I'm trying to fix the bathroom walls.... Last year when we moved into this house I desperately needed my only bathroom in a functional state. This caused me to rush (big time) to get it there. Well, I peeled this special wallpaper off, and never realized that there was a residue that was left behind. I found the bumps on the wall after painting, of course. I just never had the time to fix it, and now I am. It requires sanding and more painting...... it has turned into the kind of project, that I wish I would have just left it. The bumps just added character (I say that in retrospect =).
The last 2 projects I wish to complete (this is where all of our money is going!!) is to fix the ceiling in the boys old room and repaint the stairway wall/upstairs hall. Funny story... my lovely designer sister came to my house on Monday. She glanced at the wall going up the stairs, almost immediately, and asked, "Is this the color we picked out?" Long story short.... Jake did a color match at Lowes, but only by name and it was way off..... the color always bugged me. I didn't think it really matched well and at certain times of the day, I saw PINK in it! Yuck!! But I just trusted Jody, not knowing it wasn't a good match. So as much as I don't want to paint, it will just bother me..... I may be turning into my sister, or she might be rubbing off on me!!

Here is the wall I was talking about (the tan wall)... the new color will be much more complimentary!!

1 comment:

Leesa said...

The heat is so miserable. I think it's getting to my girls, too.
They used to love playing outside, no matter what. Now I have to force them to come outside with me when I mow the yard. :(