Saturday, July 30, 2011

Daddy's Helper

Well, we've reached the sanding part of our ceiling repair. This got Reece eager to help, so here he is! Daddy's Little Helper!!

There's been a lot of Reece blogging lately.... I realize I do have another child!
So, what has Riley been up to?
Riley and I have been reading the Harry Potter series together. I've actually been reading it to him, but it is great Riley~Mommy time! I've resisted the HP craze until now.... I'm actually glad I did, because it has been so much fun reading this with my boy. The first book took us a LONG time to get through, I wasn't even sure I was going to enjoy it until close to the end.... Book 2 has been a lot easier to get into. We have 2 chapters left.... Harry is just now entering the "Chamber" all by himself! Sometimes I feel I am more into it than Riley.

Yay for bonding with Riley!


Tommi said...

that's awesome, i've been wanting to get tyler into those books but we've resisted as well!

jody-of-all-trades said...

Reading the Harry Potter series was honestly one of the best bonding experience I've had with Aidan. We will always have our love for all things Harry Potter in common. There are so many great conversations and that come from Harry Potter. I'm so glad for you and Riley!

Leesa said...

That is so great! I've resisted HP like I resisted Twilight. I'm sure once I get started, I'll be hooked like everyone else.
ps - Have you tried reading the Hunger Games?

Jacque said...

Leesa, it's funny you say that! Jaime passed those books onto Joanna, and she just last night passed them to Jody. I might have to do it one of these days....