Thursday, December 31, 2009

2010 Resolution

This will be my last 2009 post. Tomorrow my goal is to make my blog into a book. Hope it's not too much of a task!!
I never make resolutions. I know myself better. I'll never stick to it. Well, some of my blogging friends have decided to create a 2nd blog. So, maybe this could be my resolution, because I'm fairly good at keeping the blog updated. This will be more of a personal, journaling blog. Of course, I look at this blog as a journal, but this will still be different. One of my friends found a couple of lists of questions to use as our topic. So we will all have the same topic, just very different stories. The goal is to do this daily. I can't promise anything, but I'll do my best. It will be so much fun comparing our blogs. If you want to peek in, I've put my link to my new blog in the upper, right corner. Wish me luck, and bring on 2010! Happy New Year!!!


Erica said...

Good luck on your new blog! You have made me addicted:) I love it so much, I have a classroom blog and I even started a cooking dinner blog...but ended it after it took so long to type all of the recipes. You are an awesome blogger and I am sure you will be just the same on your next blog! Happy New Year:)
P.S. Tell Riley Hi! He always gives me such a big smile when I see him, it melts my hear!

Erica said...
