Sunday, December 20, 2009

Gingerbread Train

We have the sweetest neighbors. Every holiday they always leave treats for the boys. Easter, Halloween, they don't miss a thing. This year, they got us a gingerbread kit, made some cute candy sleighs, and a yummy plate of cookies (which did not last long.)

So tonight, we tried out the gingerbread train. It was so difficult, that we couldn't take it off the assembly tray. The boys didn't mind, and I think we made it without the boys eating any of the candy. So, this is what the ridiculous picture says the train should look like.

This is what the boys thought it should look like. Mom was in charge of the icing. It seemed like the best way. Good times!


Shenna said...

I think it looks fantastic, but my gingerbread woman tops all. :) Looks like a fun time!

Jacque said...

Your gingerbread people did rock. My mom laughed so hard at your post!

Leesa said...

Good job with the icing, Mom. :) I'd want that job, too. I think you guys did a great job! That's so fun that you have such sweet neighbors.

Andrea said...

Your train looks awesome!! Shenna's right. Her gingerbread person was classic. I'll never stop laughing about that one...
Call me later- dont forget!!

Andrea said...

ps- i need your mom's email address so I can invite her to my blog.