Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve

In Wichita, we have the best weatherman/Santa watcher. His name is Dave Freeman and every year his "Super Santa Tracker Doppler Radar" thingy, gets bigger and better. He is so fun to watch!! He is so amazing and gets the kids excited, and I even get excited listening to him. He's been doing this since I was a kid. He is SO GOOD, that he should get a huge bonus every Christmas Eve. Just saying... Anyhow, I knew he was about to come on to talk about Santa, and I told Riley that something has been spotted in the sky. What do you think it was, Riley? Riley thought for a minute, then responded, "Jesus?" I was blown away!! We always do our best to stress that Jesus is why we have Christmas, but as Christmas gets closer, it is so easy for kiddos to be blinded by the excitement. Guess we're still on track here! Merry Christmas to everyone and Happy Birthday Jesus!!

1 comment:

Leesa said...

Awww that is so sweet!! How long will you be in Wichita? I hope Jake arrives safely. The wind is so terrible. Oh - and I can't believe I've never seen Dave Freeman's Santa Radar! That's pretty sad, since I grew up here. :) Merry Christmas to you too!!