Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas Goodies

No baking in this house! We stick to the easy stuff. We made our carmel, chocolate covered pretzels and some peanut clusters.
The boys do all the hard work. They roll the pretzels in the carmel wraps.
Then I dip them in chocolate, and they finish them off with sprinkles.
All these goodies will be heading to Wichita with us, and we'll save some for Santa too!
Funny story about my "extreme" Reece. We made these pretzels a couple of weeks ago for our neighbors. Reece got a little crazy with these big sprinkles, and would cover the pretzel so much, that you couldn't see the chocolate. If these were ours to enjoy, I wouldn't of said anything, but sprinkles aren't the most fun to eat when that's all you taste and feel crunching in your mouth. And our neighbors are all grown, and probably don't appreciate sprinkles like Reece does. I know I don't enjoy too many. So, I said he should use a little less and save some sprinkles for the other pretzels. Well, he took this very seriously. After a bit, I noticed that he was putting 3 sprinkles on the pretzels. That's it. He takes things so seriously! It's one extreme to the other with this boy! Be careful what you say around Reece.

1 comment:

Leesa said...

mmm chocolate!! Maybe I'll go that route next year! I laughed so hard about Reece and the sprinkles! That is too cute!