Sunday, December 6, 2009

Liked, Loved, etc...

So, I recently decided to add my "like" buttons on my blog. I had been toying with the idea for awhile, and I just finally did it. My reason to finally do this was, I have some family that read my blog regularly, but they never take the time to create a log in, and leave comments. I don't get many comments either, so I don't feel anyone is even checking my blog. Really, I would still blog if no one checked it. It's the best journal I have. But I always enjoy getting a reaction from my blogging, so this is an easy way to respond. I'm not trying to make anyone feel that they have to have a reaction to my posts, but since I've started this, I can already feel as though people care to check into our lives and get an update on what we're doing, and I appreciate this. I love comments more, but I like to see others liking what we're doing. Thanks blogging and non-blogging friends! I'm excited, because I am going to turn my blog into a book at the end of '09. My goal will be to do this every year, and I will love having the comments to look back on too!


Erica said...

I LOVE the comment thing! I want to do it too. I agree with so many people looking but not is nice to have a little feedback:) Great idea!

Shenna said...

Fun idea...of course comments are ALWAYS better. I hate blogging stuff and then not getting any feedback. Not that it really matters because its really all for me and my family anyway, but it is nice to know that other people are checking things out.

Leesa said...

You'll have to let me know how your book turns out! I want to do it, too. I know what you mean about comments. I have a particular friend from UT who always has atleast 7 or more comments every time I check her blog. Then I look at my little blog and sometimes think "lame!" But you and Shen are right - in the end, it's for us!