Wednesday, December 30, 2009

First Sledding Experience

Yesterday, Uncle Shawn invited us to go sledding. I was excited, but nervous. I knew Reece would be excited, but Riley is the kid that just this year made his first snow angel. I'm super sore today, but it was SO worth it, because we had a blast!!
WARNING: I couldn't decide which pictures to use, so I posted all of them. Sorry!!
Riley & Reece before the fun begins.
Camryn's ready!
Camryn on her own.
Colby, Riley & Camryn
Colby & Camryn pushing Dad down the hill.

Camryn & I
There we go...
Mommy & Boys
Off to find a bigger hill!

Camryn & Riley
Last night we got another couple of inches. I've never seen a storm, where there was so much snow, that they haul it away! As soon as Main Street was clear, we got more. Yuck! I'm over the snow! We had our big snow, now let it be gone!! On the bright sign, Reece finally got his snow that was capable of producing a snow man. Yay!!

1 comment:

Leesa said...

That looks so fun! I'm with you, though - I'm done with the snow.