Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Happy 5th Birthday Reece!!!

My baby turns 5 today!!!
Happy Birthday Reece! You are such a special kiddo! I couldn't imagine not having you here, bouncing off the walls everyday, morning to night, accumulating more energy as the day goes on.
We woke up and opened presents. Reece got some new Wii games. (Mario Galaxy & Wario: Shake It) He also got a big "Optimus Prime" toy, that Jake has been trying to transform for an hour now. Why are toys so difficult? =D
On the Birthday schedule for today, we will enjoy cake before Dad goes to work. Which means it will be our lunch. Then, Reece and I will be hoping for snow. All Reece wants is snow. Somewhere in his head he got the idea that snow=Birthday & Christmas. So mother~nature better pull through...


Walker Family said...

Yay for Reece. I hate the snow, but I am not there, so I hope the snow pulls through for him!!! Happy Birthday!

Erica said...

Happy Birthday Reece! What a cutie. LoVe the pictures you put up of him! I hope it snows too! ;)