Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Birthday Snow

Apparently, Reece wanted 2 things for his Birthday. Snow and people.
Not long after we opened presents, Reece asked...
"When do all the people come over to celebrate me?"
I couldn't stop laughing!! Apparently, Mom and Dad, weren't enough people to celebrate Reece.
Thankfully, Aunt Jaime has a soft spot for her nephews. She had texted to ask if Reece was upset that there was no snow on the ground. I told her that he hadn't really cared, but shared his "celebrate me" line. That was enough for her to head this way. Along with her, she brought Reece a snowglobe. That way it could always snow on his Birthday and Christmas! Yay for great Aunts!! Reece loved it, and I thought is was just so sweet!
And guess what!? It finally snowed at 6:30 pm. It didn't last long, but it covered the ground completely. It will probably be gone by morning, but it snowed on December 8th, 2009!!
Thanks, Aunt Jaime!! We love you!!

1 comment:

Shenna said...

What a sweet auntie!