Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Life of White Teddy (in glimpses)

Reece the White Teddy Destroyer!
So, every time I glanced at my "White Teddy" post, I had a hard time imagining how cute W.T. used to be. I knew he was, but couldn't remember. This inspired me to find some pictures. Although, none of them are great pictures, I've been able to get my mental picture back. Forgive the next 3 pictures that were scanned, so they are a little fuzzy...
This shows off 3 things.
1. How chubby Reece was as a baby.
2. How WHITE, W.T. used to be.
3. How fluffy he was before losing all of his "boogers" aka, stuffing.

This is where it starts getting U.G.L.Y.
Reece caught in the act. But, it's B.T being tortured. It is hard to tell, but in the above picture, W.T. is terribly discolored on his nose/mouth. W.T. was washed almost daily, and it never helped. Yuck!
Habits!! Not always pleasant. Thank goodness for the washer that gave these 2 baths often.
Poor White Teddy & Brown Teddy...
White Teddy's injuries were way more extensive, but I did have to operate on B.T. and was able to save his nose and mouth. Go me!!

1 comment:

Leesa said...

What a super cute chubby baby Reece was!! My girls were both chubby and I loved it! Actually...Sydney still has a little pot-belly.