Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas Day F.U.N!

After a night of very little sleep, Riley was slightly disappointed he didn't hear Santa. He was so sure he was going to be able to stay awake long enough to hear Santa's sleigh on the roof. Riley and I woke up before Jake (who did make it safely) and Reece. Riley discovered a letter from Santa. You see, both boys asked for "Mario Galaxy" from Santa. This was after we had already wrapped the item for Reece's birthday, so Santa left us new Wii remotes, wheels, and nun chucks. Now we have 4 of each, and the entire family can have fun together!
Finally, Dad and Reece woke up and we did our family Christmas, before the rest of the family came over.

In between our 2 Christmas present times, Reece checked out his stocking, and was ready to eat the candy Santa left. It was 7:30 am, so that was a big NO!
When everyone came over, it was more presents. Because there are 20 cousins, we draw names.

Aidan, Reece, Riley & Alex
Aidan, showing off his Nerf swords.
Reece really wanted a Nerf basketball goal. Don't know why, but he got it!

Not sure what this was, but I'm pretty sure it had to do with the Wii.
The boys each got a gift of new, warm pajamas, cute warm robes, nice warm slippers, and a movie. Here they are modeling the pj's and robes. So cute, and they really are enjoying them!
Finally, us adults do a gift exchange. We buy a generic, non-gender gift, and pick and steal from each other. My Dad ended up with a KU Snuggie! Reece is modeling it!


Leesa said...

What a great idea to do the gift exchange. We should do that with Jason's family since there are just SO many people! (Love the snuggie!)

Andrea said...

That snuggie is awesome!