Monday, December 28, 2009


While we were gone, Kansas City got dumped on!! It snowed in Wichita, but WOW!! we got way more here. Jake heard about 12 inches was the total. With the wind, not sure how accurate, but I can't remember the last time I saw this much snow!

Riley, shockingly, made a snow angel. This is the kid that didn't want to touch the snow last year!

Unfortunately, it wasn't packing snow, and this is the best snowman the boys had patience for.
Reece wanted the piles of snow bigger, so he is shoveling the grass.

Guess what else was waiting for us when we got back. It was awful! We accidentally left one of Riley's presents at the house, which means he was short one gift on Christmas morning. It just was in a spot under the tree, that it got looked over. When Riley did finally get to open it, it was the best! He was SO happy!! What's so cool about this game, is we can all play at the same time. What is not so cool about this game, is that we can all play at the same time. Talk about frustrating!! You see, if some of the players get too far ahead, it kills the slow ones. It was challenging to not yell at the boys for going too fast!! In fact, we yelled a lot! I can imagine a WWIII erupting, when a family that can't contain their frustrations well, plays this game!! It was still a lot of fun!

1 comment:

Leesa said...

lol - thanks for the warning. My brother and his wife are bringing this game over Wednesday night for the 4 of us to play together. I told them I would probably not be good at it, but they assured me there are endless lives. They didn't, however, tell me that I will just die when they all get ahead of me. Rude! j/k :)