Monday, December 28, 2009

White Teddy

Over 5 years ago, before Reece was born, we were given this adorable white teddy bear from a co-worker. (Wish I would've known it was going to be such a huge part of Reece's life, and taken a picture) It didn't take long for Reece to love this white teddy, and he may have over loved it at times! He even named him, White Teddy. Reece had a pacifier as a baby, and when we took this away, he began chewing on the edges of his baby blanket. When he was done with that, he moved on to chewing on White Teddy's nose. It wasn't long before I had White Teddy booger's all over my house!
This drove me to try to find a new teddy to replace White Teddy. I found a brown teddy, which Reece named Brown Teddy. (clever huh?) In the mean time, I had to perform plastic surgery on White Teddy's face, to get rid of the boogers. Reece didn't like this much at all. Thankfully, he got over it within a few hours.
We went through a short span of time, where Brown Teddy was his first choice. Then one day I noticed B.T. was in the toy box. I asked why this was, and Reece said,"B.T. is in jail, because he hurt W.T." B.T. didn't come out of jail for a long while, and ever since B.T. hasn't gotten as much attention. He is still played with, but not loved like W.T.
Well, a couple months before Christmas, Reece took the blue bow off of W.T. , and threw it away. A couple weeks later, when we were making Christmas/Birthday wish lists, Reece asked for a new W.T. because he forgot he did want a bow on his bear. Crazy kid!! So, we were able to find an acceptable W.T. who was given the same name. It's just either "new" or "old" in the front.
Oh, the things we do for our kids! Now I have 2 W.T. voices coming out of Reece's mouth...

Believe it or not, but the old White Teddy really was adorable!!

Reece's BFFs!


Leesa said...

You did a good job on the plastic surgery. :) Isn't it so sweet how kids latch onto certain things? You'll have to post a video of White Teddy's voice. I'd like to hear it.

Andrea said...

i LOVE the old white teddy.