Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Christmas All Around...

...was the title of Reece's Preschool Christmas concert. I have to say, preschool age is the peak of maximum cuteness. I know older kids are cute, but this age is priceless. I love it!
We basically got to see a 30 minute, mini version of the cutest Christmas story told. Reece was a shepherd. This is him cheesing it up before everyone else got there.
We had asked Reece what side of the stage he would be on. His response was that Mrs. Alton would tell him. If Mrs. Alton tells him something, that's how it is. If we told him the same thing, he wouldn't believe us. Turns out we should have been on the other side of the stage, and my camera doesn't zoom well. He is at the end, and his action during the song was to whisper (or shout) to his neighbor.
All of his fellow shepherds. His cousin, Brevin, is to his right.

I was so proud of Reece. Riley and Reece are such opposites. Riley, at this age, was a little freaked out being in front of the audience, and was very quiet and barely moved his lips. Reece was a little nervous at first, but quickly warmed up. He had his actions down on his own, most of the time. He wasn't even shy. He sang loud enough for us to hear. Thankfully, he and Riley were blessed with my family's musical talent.
The STAR and the WISEMEN giving JESUS his gifts. Mary was very funny. She didn't like how the gifts were stacked, and had to rearrange the gifts, as they were put down.
Here is a video of their first song. Reece is still warming up in it. Please forgive the camera man the first several seconds. This is our new toy, and we're still learning how to use it. And, since Reece didn't tell us where to sit, the director was right in our way. Enjoy!
(This was the 1st song, and I teased that Reece didn't look like he was singing, but just opening and shutting his mouth. It was just the best video, so I promise all of his other songs, he really was right on. Also, there was a huge screen that was showing the show behind them, and that's what Reece and all the little ones were checking out!)


Leesa said...

That is adorable!! Taylor's preschool did a Thanksgiving program and they sang and danced to a song called the Turkey Tango. It was the cutest thing ever. There's something about little kids singing...awww.

Andrea said...

Oh my gosh!!! He is so cute in his little costume. I wish I couldve been there.