Thursday, December 17, 2009

Riley's 2nd Grade Picture

Retakes took place, and they turned out SO much better!
The original picture looked like the picture person didn't even ask him to smile. We got one this time! Jake thinks it looks like Riley has a bowl cut. Ha Ha! No bowl cut here, just a kid with a ton of hair! Aunt Jaime likes his hair long and shaggy. She's the professional. I usually will style his hair for pictures, but he has kids in his class that purposely mess it up, so it would've been a disaster by picture time. I'm just SO glad we took advantage of the retakes!!


Leesa said...

Cute!! I was worried that Taylor would give the photographer a goofy crooked grin, but surprisingly she gave him a real smile for her preschool pic.

Andrea said...

Love it! He is so cute.

Shenna said...

What a cutie!!!